Monday, May 20, 2013

TED Talk: Steve Job's Speech

This may be a touching speech to others but it's definitely not touching, nor inspiring to me. Besides his story, almost everything in his speech has been said and done by many people who have achieved anything in life. No matter how hard their goal may have been, no matter how long it took them, they always say just work hard and everything will work out for you. But for a lot of people, this is not the case. Not everyone is as lucky as they have been, no matter how hard you work there will likely be an obstacle you can never overcome, or a crippling event will ruin your dreams. Even if you manage to overcome your inability, who's to say you'll ever reach your goal of becoming the best at it or anywhere near that for a matter. If you want to become successful, of course it will require hard work, and lots of it. But it will also require luck, and timing. If you come at a wrong time, if someone is in a bad mood, or anything at all goes wrong, your dreams can be crushed and there will be nothing you can do about it but try and try again until you either succeed, or run out of time. And most people run out of time.

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