Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The SIege of Stupidity

The Siege of Stupidity
The year 2035, a bill has been proposed in the United States which award $10 million every month to the school with the highest average GPA despite strikes against the act which most people believed the money could go to a better cause. For months they striked, signing online surveys that the money should go to funding entertainment or technology for new and improved smart phones, but it was all a waste of time.
Almost immediately new rules were enforced in schools requiring students to eat lunch as fast as their body will allow them. After finishing their meal, they were forced into libraries and computer labs where tutors and books waited eagerly for their arrival because the pay was big if they won the money. For an hour students would finish homework, attempt to understand complicated equations and theories, some even unsolved to that day. If any tutor deemed a student too stupid and thoroughly believed that they were bringing down the school average, they would be gone the next day and never seen again. Before being deemed an idiot, tutors would resort to verbal abuse, yelling at students for doing anything wrong. Maybe they were irritated that day, so the tutors can and will resort to physical punishments where most of them were shocked into ‘intelligence’ or whipped back into shape. This went on for weeks and weeks but none of the kids dare say a word of it in their home out of fear for their lives.
On the day that all of this mad studying began, students had microchips secretly implemented into their skull. An announcement was made shortly after the progress was complete they were told, “Any attempts to remove this will be dealt with accordingly. Oh and make sure not to tell anyone because if you do, we’ll take matters into our own hands, and I’m sure none of you would want that.” Most children were mortified, some grew violent and were quickly disposed of, and others were more rational, one of them being Garry Johnston. Garry was always the smart kid in school, very popular, and known as the shining example of a student in Whitney Young.
After school, Garry would gather up others who had similar goals and attempt to form a plan of rebellion. Communication was tough because of the chip in their heads, not even writing was safe because it kept track of any type of movement, whether it was writing, typing, or signing. The only way to communicate they could think of was drawing letters in the dirt with their feet, slow and almost useless they started using pebbles. They formed an absolutely huge collection of pebbles and compared to how fast they got work done before, this was a huge boost in efficiency.
After communication was finished, a plan was devised. Trying to fight the school off one by one would certainly result in death for all of them, or whatever happened to those deemed too stupid by the school. Running away wouldn’t work either due to the chips in their head. Soon it was realized, “What if everyone stopped working at once? They can’t possibly stop all of us!” Everyone liked the idea and refused to think into it any further unless they were discussing the plan with another fellow student. After months of planning, it was ready.
The following day during school, it was 11:55am. There were the occasional glances from other students, a lot of sweating and shaking out of fear if anything went wrong, but overall there was excitement. As soon as the clock struck 12:00, it began.
In a matter of seconds there was a full scale brawl inside the library. Students, teachers, and tutors fighting over weapons, some already lay dead on the floor and others shooting into the crowd without a care for who they hit. The fight didn’t last long, the students believed they won the fight, until they heard what sounded like a stampede outside. When they peered out the window, they found out exactly what happened to all the students deemed too stupid. They were all brainwashed and thirsty for blood. Needless to say the fight was lost, everyone was presumed dead and the school later closed down due to lack of funding.
Days passed and eventually the word spread of the horrible treatment going on in schools. Parents immediately removed their children from schools, no one knew who got the message out, and no one cared, they were all happy to be out of school and free to do as they pleased. Soon, on the FOX News station, a recording aired of spread the word of the cruel treatment, and in the chair was Garry. He shared all of the tragic events and treatment he and other students endured and the expressions on everyones’ face was that of pure awe. The reward for high GPAs was immediately removed, and of course, kids were forced back into school. It was a slow process but eventually parents trusted schools enough to teach their children.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

List of Advice For Incoming Freshmen

1: Study
Always study for test that you aren't completely sure that you'll ace, and even then study just to be safe.

2: Working
There's a library and a computer lab in this school, and of course you will have a mandatory lunch period. If you have the free time, feel free to stop off and finish your homework before you leave school for more free time and relaxation.

3: Procrastination
Always do your work on time, or get ready for a lot of stress.

4: Get Friends
Who else will help you with homework?

5: Be Prepared
Mentally and physically  for all assignments.

6: Jackets Are Nice
This school is cold almost every day of the year, bring something for warmth or freeze.

7: Don't Use the Vending Machines
Anything good was removed, there's only healthy snacks left.

8: Walking
Be prepared for other students to walk at extremely slow paces, block doorways and hallways to talk, and stink. Nose plugs and mental preparation is advised.

9: Music
Students seem to not know a majority of other people have ears, either bring ear plugs, tell them to turn it down, or listen to horrible rap/hip-hop

10: Twalking (Texting while walking)
A lot of people do this, they will crash into everything. Avoid them at all cost for safety reasons.